Rutongo Women In Mining Association
Celebration of International Day of Women in Mining (IDWIM), 2024
On the 14th of June 2024, Trinity celebrated the International Day of Women in Mining (IDWIM), with a commitment to promoting inclusiveness– and a focus on growing Women in the Mining industry, which was prepared by the Trinity Women in Mining Association (TWIMA).
This celebration commenced with a week dedicated to celebrating the role of women in Mining. Due to the nature of work, it is very difficult for our women employees to get Family planning services, in partnership with the Health Development Initiative (HDI), an awareness campaign on Family planning and Gender Violence was conducted, and over 1000 women from all the subsidiary companies of Trinity Metals were trained and they were able to get family planning services at the mine for free.
The awareness campaign concluded with the celebration of the International Day of Women in Mining (IDWIM) under the theme “I am Mining and I Belong”.
Among the guests present to the event was, Diane Ngaruyimanzi from the National Women’s Council (CNF) for Rulindo Distric . In her remarks “We need to see more Women working for the Mining Sector because they have the capacity and the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda guarantees equal rights between men and women with a requirement to have a minimum of 30% women representation in all decision-making positions and to achieve this, women’s council has committed to putting more efforts in encouraging young girls to take mining courses.”
Rwanda Women In & And Mining Organization (WIAMO) President Aline Providence Nkundibiza reiterated the need for the change of mindset which believes that mining is a career dedicated to men. In her remarks sha said that she would like to see in future women CEOs or General Managers in mining Sector.
Trinity Women in Mining Association (TWIMA) was formed in April 2023 and at every Mine (Musha Women in Mining Association, Rutongo Women in Mining Association, and Nyakabingo Women in Mining Association), the association was created to promote well-being, work culture, and good relations for women working in Trinity Metals. These associations have projects that are generating income for women, which is encouraging women to join the sector.
Trinity CEO, Peter Geleta who was the guest of honor said that Trinity has placed women at the center of the development activities to increase numbers from 12% to 30% by 2030 based on the fact that women are more productive, focused, and goal oriented. Also to protect women, Trinity is committed to a Zero tolerance policy for GBV and abuse of Women, and immediate action will be taken on any reported cases but also encourages women to report any incident.